Who invented the telephone?
source: "Antonio Meucci: Inventor of the Telephone," Giovanni E.
Schiavo, The Vigo Press, New York City, 1958.
Letter from Meucci to Garibaldi's daughter, Oct. 1, 1887: ".. the telephone which I invented and which I first made known and which, as you know, was stolen from me." (Ref. source, page 9)
Caveat filed with US Patent Office, Dec. 23, 1871 (Ref. source, page 205-208): The petition of Antonio Meucci of Clifton in the County of Richmond and State of New York, respectfully represents: That he has made certain improvements in Sound Telegraphs, and that he is now engaged in making experiments for the purpose of perfect the same preparatory to applying for Letter Patent therefor. He therefore prays that the subjoined description of his invention may be filed as a Caveat in the Confidential Archives of the Patent Office... ... ...Antonio Meucci, the above-named petitioner, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he verily believes himself to be the original and first inventor of the improvement in Sound Telegraphs, described and claimed in the foregoing specification; that he does not know, and does not believe, that the same was ever before known and used; and that I am a citizen of the United States. ANTONIO MEUCCI.