
Early 4th century BC to early 2nd century AD: Petra is the Nabataean (an Arab people) empire's capital city.  Roman took control of Petra in 106 AD.




Petra's cliff and free-standing structures are a mix of Nabataean and Greco-Roman architecture.


The Sig

Entrance to the Sig (the shaft)










Road pavements shown above and below were originally constructed by the Nabataeans in the 1st century BC.







The Treasury



The Treasury (Al Khazneh) in classical Greek like architecture.  It was built as a mausoleum and crypt in the 1st Century AD.







The Street of Facades


A street of rock-cut tombs influenced by varying degrees of Assyrian, Hellenistic and Roman architecture.






Tombs, below, in the building, above.
















Amman          Ash Shubak         Jerash          Madaba         Petra

Pictures by Tom Aprille ( )                                                                   
